Solstice Andara Activation
Burleigh Heads
The Solstice
Is a term derived from the Latin words 'sol' meaning 'Sun' and 'sistere' meaning 'To Stand Still.' It signifies the moment when the Sun seemingly reaches its farthest position north or south in the sky. This marks the longest or shortest day of the year. Ancient astronomers coined this day as a time when the Sun appeared to pause, standing still in its apparent movement across the sky.
Sunrise, Summer Solstice
The solstices, occurring in June and December, mark the onset of Winter or Summer. Where we are located in the Southern Hemisphere, the June Solstice heralds the astronomical commencement of Winter. This presents the day with the least amount of daylight in the year. During the December Solstice, Summer begins in the Southern Hemisphere as Winter arrives in the North.
These solstices have historically been celebrated through various ceremonies passed down through generations. The well-known Christmas holiday, occurring a few days after the December Solstice, incorporates traditions borrowed from ancient pagan rituals that span millennia.
The Longest Day
The Summer Solstice celebrates the longest day of the year. This day is believed to hold the greatest energy, prosperity, vitality, and strength. In Pagan times, the Summer Solstice was referred to as Litha. Rituals were conducted to honour the Sun gods, the Divine Light, and the element of fire.
People would rejoice and energize themselves under the warm light of the sun. They believed that because the Sun was strongest that day, so too was God. Vibrationally, the Summer Solstice is a time when Yang energy is high as well as the Root, Sacral and Solar Plexus Chakra.
Winter Solstice
Celebrates the longest hours of darkness or the rebirth of the Sun. It is believed to hold a powerful energy for regeneration, renewal, and self-reflection. In Pagan times the Winter Solstice was referred to as Yule and was a celebration of the Goddess (Moon) energy. It was believed that on this day, the Moon would give birth to the Sun.

Setting up before sunrise
Why This year?
This year prompted a personal inclination to celebrate and activate some Andaras with the energy of the Summer Solstice. I had already selected appropriate stock, setting it aside for Charmaine to activate.
After much consideration, this is the Frequency she used to infuse the Andaras: Flow of love; Releasing negative energies; Trauma Recovery; Rescue Remedy, Ho'oponopono; Unconditional Love; Earth Balance; and Creating Healthy, positive thought forms on all levels.
Global Andara Activation
Summery Andaras

Summery Solstice Grid
With Candles, ready for the Sun to go down